Many people rely on the Internet for work or for personal entertainment, so internet access is critical for businesses and residents across the United States. However, millions of Americans live in areas without broadband internet service — or even reliable service at slow internet speeds. The FCC defines broadband internet as a minimum download speed of 25 Mbps (megabits per second) and an upload speed of 3 Mbps. 

The good news is that the federal government has created a broadband expansion project to help rural Americans gain access to fast internet speeds. This project aims to give the population that lives in rural areas access to the infrastructure necessary to expand internet capabilities, which also enhances the nation’s economy and operation as well.  

The Broadband Internet Expansion Project 

The Biden administration has allotted $42 billion for what’s known as the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program. This program aims to provide funding to states and territories so that they can implement the infrastructure necessary to expand high-speed internet access across the United States within the next 10 years. Since internet access is becoming more of a necessity each day for businesses and consumers, more access to high-speed internet services is a must.  

Higher-speed internet in rural areas means these rural communities can use and build critical infrastructure to improve businesses and day-to-day life for residents. Broadband expansion will create benefits for improved health care and education access, along with creating jobs and economic growth. 

How to Prepare for the Broadband Expansion 

New contracts will require different equipment as the broadband expansion program is deployed. Rural businesses or businesses expanding into rural areas will need the right equipment to make the expansion process smoother, more efficient, and safer. 

You can prepare your business for the broadband expansion by investing in the appropriate equipment, including: 

  • Service trucks: Service or utility trucks take your repairs on the road, making it easier to carry tools, parts, and mechanics to the job site. Some trucks also feature a crane to make lifting heavy materials or parts easier. These trucks will be critical for broadband expansion, allowing you to haul necessary broadband equipment to your expansion work site. You may need more than one in your fleet if you’re servicing different areas all at once, allowing for greater mobility and faster turnaround. 
  • Bucket vans: New internet utility installations will require aerial tasks, usually to attach internet equipment to utility poles. Bucket vans come equipped with a boom with a bucket at the end to lift workers up safely so work can be completed comfortably. You’ll need to have a bucket van as part of your fleet to ensure you can complete necessary utility tasks during broadband expansion procedures. 
  • Boom trucks: These trucks have a hydraulic crane that can be moved and adjusted to complete different tasks. Boom trucks can also carry materials to or away from job sites. Boom trucks are suited to maintenance work, so you’ll need these trucks in your fleet once your new broadband equipment is installed so you can provide reliable services to your customers.  

Before the BEAD program rolls out, prepare your fleet by establishing these trucks in your fleet. Custom Truck One Source can help you find the right equipment for the job, whether you need an entire fleet or a few trucks to supplement your existing fleet. 


Learn How Load King Can Help You Expand Your Broadband Services 

Load King has everything you need to help you expand your broadband services. You can apply for funding from the BEAD program to receive grants for broadband expansion projects and use these funds to expand your fleet. 

You can choose from our comprehensive new, used, and rental equipment selection. Our team can help you find the right equipment for your applications.

Contact us to learn more about our trucks!